REVERE hosted their first songwriter’s retreat in the summer of 2021, to craft songs of intimacy and renewed devotion.‘Unscripted: Behold (King of Glory)’

REVERE hosted their first songwriter retreat in the summer of 2021, gathering artists from
the United States and South America to craft songs of intimacy and renewed devotion.

The first batch of songs from this time, mixing new ones and revisited classics, is titled
‘Unscripted: Behold (King of Glory)’ as it centres in on contemplating – and indeed
beholding – the Lord.

Recorded live around a grand piano, the project’s diverse collaboration and unified pursuit of God creates an inviting and inclusive collection of songs, drawing the listeners into an encounter with the Holy One. By stripping back all sense of production, entertainment and control, REVERE allows for a fresh overflow of worship that pursues the heart of this ritual: to give worth and honour our God.

The core of the album orbits around the title track ‘Behold (King of Glory)’, written by Sarah Kroger, Dwan Hill, Jessica Hitte and Addison Bevere. This song creates space to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and express His greatness, a wonderful reminder at the beginning of a new year.

‘Unscripted: Behold (King of Glory)’ stands out for its multilingual expression (Spanish,
Portuguese, and English) as well as it’s powerful and yet gentle sound. With this new full-length album, REVERE seeks to inspire the Church to embrace her purpose of wholehearted,
selfless, and boundary-breaking worship again.

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