Come Alive

My last release in 2019 (Lost – The Experience) invited the listener into some of the raw thoughts feeling and emotions I was experiencing during the darkest time of my life. Crafting each track of the project was my form of “therapy”. I shared the project in hopes that it could serve the same purpose for others. 

It is during that season of feeling lost that the lyrics of “Come Alive” were birthed. They were all I could hold onto. I needed to know that the season of feeling lost would not last forever. I was fighting to believe that I would not remain in a state of what felt like “death” but would come back to life.

So in many ways, “Come Alive” is the follow up to “Lost – The Experience”. While the themes of the songs are connected, they both signify very opposite emotions. Come alive is intended to communicate hope. Everything from the arrangement of the instruments to the artwork is meant to convey that feeling. This includes elements such as bright colours.

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