Dance Like David is a new initiative aimed at supporting creative dance by AStepfwd

We want to see all styles of dance embraced as a legitimate expression of life, love, freedom, and indeed our faith. In one of the most enthusiastic displays of worship recorded in the Bible, King David danced “before the Lord with all his might” (2 Samuel 6:14).

Dance Like David is about encouraging community and welcomes all dancers and styles, Christians and non-Christians as we celebrate and encourage skills.

DLD also supports the visual interpretation and expression of faith-based music and will showcase music from the UK Christian Charts and around the world. There will be special choreography sessions, freestyle cyphers, jam and chill opportunities + fun galore!

So come join other dancers, practice new or regular moves and explore different styles, all in London’s premier dance location but for His glory.

Dance Like David aims to be a monthly gathering of dance creatives so don’t miss out on this launch event!

Ticket link again:

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