The Stellar Gospel Music Awards has started the first round of voting and we need your support!

Four years ago GODRADIO1.COM joined the family of today’s inspirational and gospel music programmed Internet stations in America. Listeners are given an eclectic mix of gospel music hit-makers topping the charts as well as positive and inspirational music from the past to the present. – Our platform directive is targeting “Today’s Now Generation” and abroad with music, ministry, industry news, culture, style, fashion, and fitness using informative talk shows coupled with the latest and greatest music releases topping the charts around the world.

Early listeners have rocked with  “GODRADIO1.COM” For More Than 4 Years. With over 21 shows broadcasting on this station from around the world, GODRADIO1.COM’s success is attributed to the Grace of God in the lives of the show hosts, the content, and most importantly the listeners and supporters of those shows on our station! Together we work on this global platform that connects us all around the world, from the US and Africa to the UK and Abroad. We’ve enjoyed bringing our listeners the latest & greatest in inspirational programming. Our listeners are valuable to us and the real reason we do this!!!   

The Stellar Gospel Music Awards has started the first round of voting to select candidates to be nominated for Internet Radio Station Of the Year. GODRADIO1.COM is on the ballot and we’d love to have the support of the UK listeners who also tune in to Vision TV Online London who is also a part of the GODRADIO1.COM family and team. Voting For Us As – Internet Station Of The Year is a win for the whole family and team !!! To Cast, Your Vote, Go to   Click the Radio Ballot – We are #12 on the ballot and my name is also listed (Michelle Thompson) Voting Ends on April 4th. Voting is open to the public so don’t delay cast your vote today!

Click on the link below to vote

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