Freedom Heart is singer-songwriter, Chen. Her mission in life


About the Song

“Truth Is” is a song about depression caused by letting the wrong voices speak into our lives. Often we forget who we are and where identity comes from so we need to look for the truth that we can stand upon. When we know the truth, the truth will set us free!

About Freedom Heart

Freedom Heart is singer-songwriter, Lynn LY Chen. Her mission in life can be summed up in these two words: truth and freedom. She is a person who has been tested through the fires of condemnation, oppression and fighting for one’s identity and true calling in life in an unrelenting environment. She knows what it is like to fight for one’s passions, to go after one heart’s desire and the call of God upon her soul to move in a fashion different from the crowd that surrounds her. Lynn knows what it is like firsthand to be the odd one out, bullied and shamed. She has overcome the obstacles of societal expectations and her desire is to impact a generation of young people who have all been uniquely designed for uniquely created lives with eternal purpose. Lynn has stepped into the calling for which she was born which is to be a spokesperson and songwriter for truth, knowing one’s true identity and value, as well as living a life in freedom and hope.