Sarah Kroger releases a new song to express her gratitude ‘A Thousand Thank Yous’.


Sarah Kroger was inspired by the words in Ephesians 3:12-21 that the love of God surpasses all understanding. “That’s both hopeful and frustrating for someone like me who wants to understand something before I commit to it,” says Sarah Kroger. The Nashville-based Catholic worship leader ponders, “How can I understand my creator, the One who breathed the stars into existence?” in this song. He is beyond all we could dream, hope, or imagine; and yet, we can approach Him. We can have a personal relationship with Him. He reveals Himself to us fully in His son Jesus.


How rare, the riches of Your glory How deep, the Father’s loving heart How vast, the reaches of Your mercy Stretching wider and further than the stars

More than a million words could say A thousand Thank Yous, a fountain of praise With every breath of all of our days Jesus, You’re worthy of all of our praise All of our praise

How wild, beyond imagination How kind, the nature of Your heart How extravagant, the beauty of Your splendor We stand in awe of who You are

More than a million words could say A thousand Thank Yous, a fountain of praise With every breath of all of our days Jesus, You’re worthy of all of our praise Of all of our praise

All of the glory, all of the glory Belongs to You, belongs to You

All of the glory, all of the glory Belongs to You, belongs to You

All of the glory, all of the glory Belongs to You, belongs to You

All of the glory, all of the glory Belongs to You, belongs to You

More than a million words could say A thousand Thank Yous, a fountain of praise With every breath of all of our days Jesus, You’re worthy of all of our praise Of all of our praise Of all of our praise