St Marks Worship release debut single ‘Creator Come’


St Marks Worship is releasing their debut single ‘Creator Come’. Born out of the worship life of St Marks Coventry, this first single of four is due for release on 12th April 2020.

The vision of St Marks is to be ‘Life in the City’; over the past two and a half years we’ve seen God bring St Marks back to life from an empty derelict building into a growing community of people who have found life in Jesus. In many ways, the story of St Marks is the story of our city, Coventry (destroyed by bombing in WW2) – from desolation and despair God has breathed new life and new hope.

Andy Shelton, St Marks Worship Pastor, about the project:
“‘Creator Come’ continues to tell the story of God resurrecting dead things back to life and His mission to restore and reconcile all creation to Himself. Some of the songs were born out of spontaneous moments in worship others have been crafted over hours of collaboration.”

“The project is a declaration that Jesus is alive and His church is on the move! A prayer that God would revive His church again. Our hope is that these songs would resonate far beyond Coventry, and we pray that these songs would impact you, your church, and your city, especially in these times where we cannot worship together.“

St Marks Coventry is part of the HTB (Holy Trinity Brompton) network of churches and was planted in 2016 by Gas Street Church (home of Worship Central). St Marks was closed for 45 years and gradually fell into disrepair until 3 years ago when a team lead by Phil & Rachel Atkinson started work to revive the church and re-open it as a place of worship.

Rt Rev. Dr. Christopher Cocksworth, Bishop of Coventry at the St Marks launch:
“The story of St Marks is the story of Coventry – one that moves from
desolation to renovation, from despair to hope, from death to life.
And as we bring the building to life, our vision is to bring people to
life – by simply encountering Jesus.”

St Marks Worship represents the worship community of St Marks Coventry, lead by worship pastor Andy Shelton alongside worship leaders Matt Ford and Hannah Hodges. ‘Creator Come’ was produced by musical director Stefan Schlag and mixed/mastered by Dave Plumb (Gas Street Church).