A song of declaration revealing the wonder and power of God. Yaweh by Jemimah Paine and Gwil


A song of declaration revealing the wonder and power of God. Yaweh was written during the summer of 2020 by Jemimah and Gwil who became friends at London School of Theology where they studied. It wasnt until after graduating that they began to songwrite together. ‘We wanted to write a song that is ‘God’ focussed and is less about us and more of declaring who God is. The song seeks to reflect the worshippers’ heart where they might question where they find their strength or their hope which ultimately is found in God alone.’The song was written for individual use and for church congregation use.

The vocal arrangement by Jemimah seeks to reflect many voices coming together to worship one God. The track was produced by Matias Ruiz who is based in Argentina who also co-wrote ‘I will Sing’ a recent release with Jemimah. Gwil lives in Norwich and Jemimah is based in London. Both artists have projects under way and due for release in 2021. Gwil is working on an EP and Jemimah an album.